Fence Repair

Repair or Replace?

When a fence fails 9 times out of 10 it’s due to wooden fence posts rotting at ground level

Spurs are an effective solution for repairing or reinforcing damaged or weakened fence posts, and they help extend the lifespan of a fence. Spurs are designed to be attached to the sides of a fence post to provide additional support and stability.

There are a few different types of steel spurs available, including:

  1. Galvanized steel spurs: Designed to resist corrosion they are a durable and long-lasting option for fence post repair.

  2. Powder-coated steel spurs: Powder-coated galvanised steel spurs are coated with a layer of paint for additional protection against corrosion and improve their appearance. They are a good option for fences in areas with harsh weather conditions

  3. Concrete spurs: Before steel spurs these were the only option but they are prone to cracking under strong gusts of wind and visibly attractive - we do not recommend them

The spurs are concreted into the ground and attached to the side of the fence post using screws or bolts.

It’s Important to assess the condition of the rest of the fence as well as the posts. To ensure that the entire fence is stable and secure, and it can help prevent future problems or failures

repair spur
rotten fence post